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Ways to Give.

When it comes to investing in your community, there are a number of ways to give to heart of Maine United Way.

Gifts to United Way are distributed to over 50 programs and initiatives at nonprofit agencies in all our six-county region. All agency allocations are made through a competitive grant process administered by over 80 community volunteers.  All gifts are tax deductible.

Payroll Deduction

This is the easiest way to give. If your company runs a United Way campaign just fill out a pledge card and the amount you select per pay period will be deducted directly from your paycheck. Small increments over time make big change! If you’re interested in running a campaign find out more.


You can mail us a check with your pledge card to 700 Main Street, Suite 1, Bangor, ME 04401.

Credit or Debit Card

You can make either a one time or recurring credit or debit card payment. Recurring gifts through our website are evergreen, meaning once you make the pledge it continues until you change or cancel it. Donate today! 

Gift of stock

A great way to give to United Way is a gift of stock. Avoid paying taxes on appreciated value and qualify for an income tax charitable deduction based on today’s market value, when you itemize. If a gift of stock makes sense for you, please contact us at (207) 941-2800 or for account transfer information.

IRA Distribution

IRA owners must be age 70 1/2 or older to make a tax-free charitable contribution. Those who meet the age requirement can transfer up to $100,000 per year directly from an IRA to an eligible charity like United Way without paying income tax on the transaction. If you are 73 or older, use this transfer to satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD).

Endowment And Planned Giving

Over the years we’ve learned that the work of today may not be the work of tomorrow. We know that our communities will grow and change. When you commit yourself to our endowment fund you guarantee our ability to respond to the changing landscape of our region. With your help we can build capacity for both present and future needs for generations to come. United Way’s partnership with FreeWill can make it easy to write or update your will. Explore Further.

Corporate Giving

Businesses and organizations often choose to give beyond a workplace campaign. Gifts can be above and beyond a workplace campaign. Examples include employee matching gifts or gifts from an organization’s Foundation. Corporate gifts can be mailed to our office or use the online form to make a gift. Check out our Corporate Giving publication to learn more.