Campaign Central

Creative and Fun Ideas.

Incentives and creativity can help your employee campaign be a fun and an enjoyable experience. The best way to use incentives within your campaign is to use them as prizes to collect pledge cards. All employees who submit their pledge card following the United Way presentation, whether they decide to give or not, are eligible for the drawing.

Here’s a list of both VIRTUAL and IN-PERSON ideas to help you spice up your workplace campaign with some fun and unique activities to help keep your co-workers entertained and engaged.

Virtual Campaign Ideas

Spirit Week

Use this high school throwback for a full week of virtual fun; pay a set amount to participate in things like Crazy Hair Day, Favorite Team/Jersey Day, Hat Day, Company Color Day, Opposite Day, Fun Zoom Background Day . . . you get the idea! Set a time for a virtual call to show your spirit, or just let it show in video meetings. Raffle a prize at the end of the week for all who participate.  


Create a fun, competitive way to get employees involved with what United Way is all about. Trivia questions can be sent out everyday that your company is running the campaign. The campaign leader may send out an email with 1-2 questions a day with the first person responding with the correct answer will get a prize. 

Can you hear me now?

This activity is designed for small groups done over video chat. For this game United Way has provided 6 stock photos that represent the three focus areas: Basic Needs, Early Childhood Development, and Substance Use Disorder and asks employees to identify each issue area.


Guessing Game

Guess the combined height and weight of the “Heavyweights” (management).  

Create a Book

Work together to create a joke or cook book where employees submit their favorite jokes or recipes. 

Mentorship Auction

Bid out or raffle a virtual coffee chat with C-level executives.  

Mobile Resource Hunt

Organize a resource hunt that employees can complete from their phone! The hunt can be themed to your company or even a fun way to learn about United Way!  


Share Stories

If appropriate in your workplace, use e-mail or voice mail to share human interest stories about people who have been helped (check out the United Way website for the stories), prize updates, progress toward your goal, United Way news, etc. 

Virtual Golf Tournament

Dust off those clubs and hit the green without having to coordinate everyone’s schedules by hosting a virtual golf tournament where participants can play at their convenience within a set timeframe. Learn more here.

Recipe Exchange

Have team members submit their favorite recipes to share in an electronic cookbook. Charge a set amount to “buy” the book. 

Virtual Book Club

Suggested entry fee: $10 (suggest employees donate what they would have spent on snacks/drinks for the in-person club) 



Great for presentations! Have participants mark squares for key United Way phrases or words. Once someone completes BINGO, awarding a prize or incentive is a great idea.United Way can help set up your game.Great for presentations! Have participants mark squares for key United Way phrases or words. Once someone completes BINGO, awarding a prize or incentive is a great idea.United Way can help set up your game.

In-Person Campaign Ideas

Workplace Auction

Have employees donate items to put in an online or silent auction that is then rolled out to the whole company. There are great online services like eFlea that are free and easy to set up to help run your auction.

Talent Show

Hold your own fundraiser-talent show, tag, flower/plant, book or bake sale, car wash, silent auction, wiffle ball or office golf tournament, balloon or flower delivery, walk-a-thon, line dancing or 1950s dance-a-thon, or a dunk tank.

Mock Game Show

At presentations, hold a mini “Who Wants to be a Millionaire,” “Weakest Link,” or “Survivor” quiz about United Way or about the information the Loaned Executive has just given. Give away small prizes, like lottery tickets, to winners.

Special Delivery

Beep beep … have company executives deliver lunch to the highest bidder or raffle winner (or use a delivery service like Uber Eats).

Free Time Rewards

Offer “late-riser” or “early-exit” coupons for employees to come to work late or leave early one day as a reward for campaign participation.

Donate Goods

Hold a food, book, or clothing drive and encourage employees to donate. Not sure what organizations to partner with? Give us a call!

United Way Week

Consider a week of United Way “events” to publicize the campaign – a car wash or shoe shine by managers, a dress-down day, crazy hat day, an ice cream social, etc.

Publicize Your Support

Use United Way items such as stickers or pins to publicize the campaign – people can wear them as part of the kickoff, when they give, or you can sell them as part of a fundraiser.

Days Off with Pay

One of our favorites is to offer your employees their birthday off, a coupon for a day off with pay, or raffle off a whole week of vacation!

Fun Fridays

On Fridays, hold weekly drawings for small prizes for anyone who turned in their completed pledge card that week. Hold the drawing in a location where employees can stop for a moment and watch.


Hold a wrap-up rally (ice cream social or pizza party) where the CEO or manager announces the amount raised and thanks employees for participating. Have management serve the food.

Use Themes

Use a theme for presentation days, such as Hawaiian Day where everyone dresses in tropical attire. Or host a country picnic or barbecue before the presentation.

Silly Goal Incentives

If your company reaches their goal. Managers agree to trade jobs for the day, serve breakfast or lunch, kiss a pig, wash an employee’s car, dress up in a prom gown, shave his or her head, sit on a block of ice during a full staff meeting, buy snacks for everyone, etc.


Post signs by soda or coffee machines that say, “For the cost of a cup of coffee or a soda you can: make a difference in the life of a handicapped child who needs therapy, help provide shelter to the victim of domestic abuse, give a warm meal to a homeless person on a winter night”, etc.

Celebrate with Food

Hold a dessert or chili cook-off, hotdog day or ice cream social for employees as a fun kick-off. Invite agencies to set up educational booths. Encourage employees to visit booths by creating games or scavenger hunts where clues are hidden with the agency representatives.

Dinner for Four

Have a drawing for 4 lobsters, dinner for 4, theatre tickets, etc. for employees who return their pledge cards the day of your individual campaign kickoff or United Way presentation. Ask employees if they might have something to donate such as a quilt, weekend at their camp, UMaine tickets, etc.

Crazy Contest

One idea included asking employees to gather testimonials – stories about how they (or someone they know) were helped by United Way or why they give to United Way. Give a small prize and publish the story in your employee newsletter or on your intranet site. It brings United Way closer to home! Other ideas include celebrity look-a-likes, bubble gum blowing, spelling bee, putting, basketball free throw, watermelon seed spitting, pie eating, nicest eyes, baby picture, ugly tie or scarf, trivia, paper airplane toss, ping pong or darts tournament to kickoff your campaign. Have an employees’ children’s poster contest-turn the winning work of art into a thank you postcard.