Get Involved

Neighbors United.

Neighbors United is not your usual food or supply drive. We work with nonprofits and businesses all over the Heart of Maine to connect those in need of supplies with those willing to donate those supplies.

If you're a Business...

Businesses and organizations often choose to give beyond a workplace campaign. Gifts can be above and beyond a workplace campaign. Examples include employee matching gifts or gifts from an organization’s Foundation. Corporate gifts can be mailed to our office or use the online form to make a gift. Check out our Corporate Giving publication to learn more.

If you're a Nonprofit...

Connect with us if you have a specific need that you would be interested in having a company fill.

Examples include food, school supplies, socks, coats, hygiene items, used cell phones, sporting goods, toys and more.

Get In Touch

Want to become part of Neighbors United? Fill out the form below. Need more info? Give us a call at (207) 941-2800 or email

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