United Way
Strategic Investment Grants.
Strategic Investment Grants are Heart of Maine United Way’s primary vehicle for funding programs that meet our Opportunity 2028 bold goals. Approximately $50,000 in funds are available to agencies serving residents of Somerset County.
- Join our info session at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, June 27, 2023.
- Applications open at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Link to apply will appear below.
- ORGANIZATION APP (once per organization)
- FAST TRACK APP (program applications of $2,500-$10,000 annually)
- Applications close at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, July 19, 2023.
- Award information will be announced in late September 2023.
- Volunteer grant reviewers are needed! Click here to apply as a volunteer grant reviewer.
Review Eligibility Criteria
Highlights of our Funding
- Every three years, HoMEUW distributes allocations from the Community Fund to health and human service programs throughout our six-county service area; Hancock, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, Waldo, and Washington Counties.
- Note: Somerset County grant process will be handled separately.
- Community volunteers review, score, and determine who will be funded. Volunteer to be a reviewer!
- Programs will choose from a list of shared community indicators as their performance measures that will feed up to HoMEUW’s headline indicators, instead of creating individual program logic models as in past cycles.
- Grant awards are multi-year commitments! Successful applications will receive three years of program funding, contingent upon availability of funds and program performance.
- Impact Grant awards of $10,001-$50,000 annually.
- FAST TRACK Grant awards of $2,500-$10,000 annually (see details below).
Important Parameters
- Organizations may submit an application for 1-4 programs. No more than 4 programs may be submitted for review by an organization.
- Total agency application requests/awards cannot exceed $80,000. No more than $80,000 in funding requests may be submitted by an organization.
- It is the responsibility of each organization to determine the program(s) for which they submit an application and the amount of the funding request, while adhering to the above limitations.
- The maximum grant per program, per year is $50,000.
- Grants cannot exceed 35% of the program budget.

Applicants must demonstrate alignment with and report data every 6 months on one United Way Bold Goal:
Bold Goal #1: Meet basic needs and promote self-sufficiency for all
Bold Goal #2: Prevent, treat and support recovery from Substance Use Disorder
Bold Goal #3: All children have quality early learning experiences
Bold goal information, including headline indicators, objectives, and statistics can be found by visiting opportunity2028.com/boldgoals
For more information or questions please email grants@homeunitedway.org or call 941-2800.