United Way

Our Initiatives.

Heart of Maine United Way leads strategic initiatives that bring partners together to tackle some of the most stubborn and complex social issues affecting individuals and communities in the Heart of Maine. These are issues that have multiple causes and can’t be solved with a quick-fix solution. HoMEUW works to solve the issue at its core. With our donors, volunteers, and like minded organizations, United Way coordinates efforts around clear goals. The result is lasting change that improves lives and community conditions today and future generations.

Opportunity 2028

Over the past couple of years, we have continued to evolve our Community Impact work to best align our current capacity to our mission.

ALICE in Maine

ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. This United Way acronym represents the growing number of hardworking individuals and families.

Bundle Maine

Connects people in the Maine Highlands with important services and caring support for young kids, expecting parents, and families.


The Heart of Maine United Way (HoMEUW) Volunteer Center is a one-stop resource for all things volunteer. 

Emergency Food & Shelter Program

 To help expand the capacity of emergency food and shelter programs in communities within the County.

Neighbors United - Supply Drives

We work with nonprofits and businesses to connect those in need of supplies with those willing to donate those supplies.

211 Help Line

Many people struggle when trying to navigate and make connections to services they need.

Food Security

We work with nonprofits and businesses all over the Heart of Maine to connected those in need of supplies with those willing to donate those supplies

Fuel Assistance Fund

All donations to our Fuel Assistance Fund will be distributed to organizations assisting local residents in need of a little extra help with heating this year.